How to Achieve Your Health Goals the SMART Way

Although almost everyone has goals they hope to achieve one day, many of these are easier said than done. Having the motivation, time, or resources are just a few barriers that can get in the way of reaching your goals. Among the most common goals that people tend to make pertain towards their health and fitness. One of the most effective ways to start achieving your ambitions is to do so the SMART way, which means that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-sensitive.
S: Specific
When setting a goal, it’s essential for this goal to be specific. If your goal is to be healthier, consider what aspects of your life you want to specifically improve on. For example, do you plan to eat healthier? Do you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness? Do you want to enhance your muscular strength? By making your goal specific, it will be easier to determine the steps that you need to achieve your goal.
M: Measurable
Once you have determined a specific objective, it is now time to ensure that you can measure your growth. Making a goal measurable provides a tangible way to track your progress towards success. For instance, if you have determined that you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness, how exactly do you plan to do so? Run two miles five times a week? Run for 30 minutes every day? Run 12 miles each week? There are numerous ways that you can precisely measure the progress you’re making towards your goal.
A: Attainable
Not only should your goals be specific and measurable, but they must also be attainable. Goals are meant to be a source of motivation and inspiration, not ones that lead to discouragement and frustration. When goals are too unrealistic, it can quickly lead to burnout. For example, if you want to run a marathon, but you have never run more than a mile in your life, then you may need to adjust your goal. It may be more attainable to complete a 5k first or a half marathon before tackling an entire 26 miles.
R: Relevant
Another important aspect of goal-setting is for your goals to align with your values and long-term objectives. If you want to become more flexible to maintain your mobility and diminish pain, then it may not be relevant to set a goal that involves long-distance running. Instead, you may want to take up yoga or begin stretching for a set amount of time each day. Stretching and practicing yoga are relevant ways to become more flexible, while running would enhance your cardiovascular fitness. Although improving cardiovascular fitness is an admirable achievement, it does not support your long-term intentions of becoming more flexible.
T: Time-Sensitive
To be successful, it is also critical to designate a set time frame for how long it will take to achieve your goal. For instance, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds, a realistic time frame will probably not be four weeks. Rather, health professionals recommend aiming to lose about one to three pounds each week, or approximately 1% of your total body weight. Therefore, a more attainable time frame to lose 30 pounds may be several weeks or a few months.
Help You Patients Reach Their Goals: Contact Outset Health
At Outset Health, we offer customized, healthy aging membership programs to medical practices so they can integrate innovative bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) into their practice. With our BHRT training and physician training, you can help your patients develop personal goals based on scientific evidence and individual biomarkers. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how Outset can benefit your practice and your patients.