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How Hormones Can Affect Your Overall Health and Wellness


Ways Your Hormones Directly Affect Your Health 

Hormones affect countless aspects of your health, from mental and psychological well-being to sexual and physical wellness. However, different hormones influence different processes in our body, meaning a hormonal imbalance can lead to a number of problems with our health. Let’s take a look at the distinct ways each hormone affects your health.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by various glands and organs in the body. They are released into the bloodstream and influence different parts of the body. Hormones affect your health in numerous ways by regulating several essential functions, such as: 

  • Sleep
  • Energy levels
  • Mood fluctuations
  • Growth and development 
  • Reproduction 
  • Sexual function 
  • Metabolism

The majority of hormones are produced by the pancreas, testes or ovaries, and the endocrine glands, including: 

  • Pituitary 
  • Thymus 
  • Pineal 
  • Thyroid 
  • Adrenal 

Which Hormones Affect Health the Most?


Estrogen is responsible for multiple roles throughout the body but is most well known for its role in the development and maintenance of the female reproductive system. Affecting processes from puberty to menopause, estrogen is essential to your reproductive health. This hormone additionally regulates functions in your skeletal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, which may affect your overall health. Low estrogen levels may lead to: 

  • Infertility 
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Coronary artery disease 
  • Vaginal atrophy


Similar to estrogen, progesterone is vital for reproductive health, playing a crucial role in early fetal development. Low levels of progesterone are associated with lower fertility, heavy periods, increased risk of miscarriage, and early delivery of the fetus. Progesterone is also linked to sperm development in males.


Testosterone is a sex hormone more prevalent in men, contributing to:

  • Voice deepening 
  • The development of men reproductive organs 
  • Growth of facial and pubic hair 
  • Sperm production

In both men and women, this hormone can play a significant role in: 

  • Sex drive
  • Fat distribution
  • Maintaining muscle size and strength 
  • Bone growth and density 
  • Red blood cell production

An imbalance of testosterone in both men and women can cause countless health problems, from mood swings and difficulties with concentration and memory to low muscle mass and brittle bones. 


Cortisol is a steroid hormone widely regarded as the stress hormone. When a potentially dangerous situation triggers your body, cortisol is required for your fight or flight response. Along with regulating your body’s response to stress, cortisol influences numerous other health processes, including: 

  • Metabolism 
  • Inflammation
  • Blood pressure
  • Sleep-wake cycle
  • Immune response 
  • Blood sugar


Insulin is produced by the pancreas, and its primary responsibility is to convert glucose to energy. When the body cannot process insulin correctly, it leads to conditions such as insulin resistance, prediabetes, or diabetes, which impacts over 30 million people in the United States.

This hormone affects your health significantly as, without adequate amounts, your body can enter a state called diabetic ketoacidosis, which can lead to death if it’s not treated.

Growth Hormone 

Growth hormone is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth and development. In childhood, a lack of sufficient growth hormone can lead to problems, from stunted growth to reduced muscle mass. Even after we stop growing, it is still released into the bloodstream by our pituitary gland to regulate: 

  • Bone density 
  • How our bodies collect fact
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Normal brain function
  • Muscle mass 

Thyroid Hormone

The thyroid hormone is primarily responsible for body temperature regulation and metabolism, which is the speed at which your body converts food to energy. The two most common health concerns with the thyroid hormones are: 

  • Hypothyroidism: an underactive thyroid can cause fatigue, feeling cold, weight gain, lack of concentration, and depression 
  • Hyperthyroidism: an overactive thyroid can lead to weight loss, heat intolerance, and anxiety

Balance Your Patients’ Hormones with Outset Health

Affecting almost every aspect of health, your patients may not be feeling their best if they’re experiencing a hormonal imbalance. If you’re interested in balancing your patients’ hormones and optimizing their health, contact Outset Health. We offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, allowing patients to reclaim their quality of life. Call (866) 434-1403 today to learn more about partnering with Outset Health or book a demo online here

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